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As our Custom Email service grows, we’re working to continually improve the platform while maintaining high availability.

One essential component of our email solution is our Webmail, which is both used by Enom’s direct customers and included in the email service our reseller partners can package as part of their own lineup.

So, we’re excited to share that we’re launching a new Webmail! Starting today, users can preview the new Webmail to get familiar with the refreshed interface before its official launch on September 5, 2019.

What’s new?

The new Webmail will provide a better email experience. You’ll notice improved workflows and a clean, mobile-responsive interface that makes it easier to send emails, manage contacts, organize important events, and more.

It’s important to note that the transition to the new Webmail will NOT impact contacts lists, settings, or any other existing mailbox data. The various functionalities and features of Webmail will remain, but their look, location, and how users interact with them, will change.

What Custom Email users need to know

On your Webmail login screen, you’ll now find an option to “Use the Webmail Interface Preview.” Simply toggle this on and log in to use the new Webmail interface. If you have any trouble, check out our Webmail Cheat Sheet.

Over the next few months, we encourage you to get familiar with the refreshed interface. On Sept. 5, 2019, the new Webmail will become the default experience for all users—our old Webmail will be retired.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new Webmail, particularly during this “Preview” period. You’ll find a Feedback option in the sidebar menu of the new interface.

What resellers need to know

If you already sell Custom Email…

The new interface offers an intuitive user experience and will NOT impact your customers’ mailbox data or your own settings or integration. That being said, there are a couple of things we recommend you do to prepare for this change:

  Update your support and marketing resources

We’ve created a number of resources to help you out. On our Webmail Landing Page, you’ll find everything from reusable communication templates to detailed end-user guides—repurpose these materials as you see fit.

  Let your customers know about the new Webmail

They’ll now find a “Use the Webmail Interface Preview” toggle option on their Webmail login page. Our White-Label Messaging templates can help you with your communication efforts.

  Make note of the launch timelines

Today: your users can preview the new Webmail to get familiar with the refreshed interface.

Sept. 5, 2019: the new Webmail will become the default experience for all users—our old Webmail will be retired.

  Let us know what you think!

Between now and Sept. 5, our new Webmail’s official launch date, we’ll be collecting feedback to help us improve the interface. Share your thoughts


If you don’t currently sell Custom Email…

Now is a great time to add email your lineup! Custom Email has all the standard features your customers want, but it costs a lot less than other solutions on the market.

It offers you the potential to boost revenue and customer loyalty while avoiding the resource and infrastructure costs associated with hosting your own email service. We also make migration easy.

Want to learn more? Contact our sales team today.