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ICANN79 recap

ICANN79 was held in beautiful Puerto Rico, where the windowless, extremely air-conditioned conference center provided sometimes-welcome relief from the bright sun, heat, and humidity of San Juan. The sessions covered a broad variety of policy and operational topics, and we’ll look at a few of these below. DNS Abuse Amendments The Amendments to the Registrar […]

ICANN78 Recap: DNS Abuse, registration data, new gTLDs, and Transfer Policy updates 

Hamburg is beautiful this time of year: cold and rainy enough that ICANN78 attendees didn’t mind being cooped up inside for meetings, with clear warm stretches that allowed for a bit of sightseeing. If I’m being completely honest, my personal highlight was visiting the Miniature Wonderland, but I was also glad to take part in […]

ICANN77 Recap: DNS Abuse, Registration Data, new gTLDs, and more

ICANN77 brought the community to Washington DC for a four-day policy-focused meeting. While the remote participation services continue to be robust and accessible, in-person participation has a certain special something, and I was grateful for the ability to attend in my physical form. Let’s take a look at some of the policy updates coming out […]

ICANN75 recap

I had intended to participate remotely in ICANN75, as I did for the past few ICANN conferences, but these plans were disrupted as I was called for jury duty and unable to attend most of the sessions. This blog post is thus gratefully dedicated to our RrSG Secretariat and the several RrSG members who provided […]

ICANN74 recap

If we’ve known each other or worked together for any significant period of time, you know that I have a strong sense of FOMOW—fear of missing out on work. The hybrid-format ICANN74 meeting simultaneously eased and exacerbated those feelings. I was so glad to be able to participate in sessions remotely but found myself longing […]