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hover connect Partner Program

The easiest way to offer domains to your customers

With Hover Connect, your customers can register a domain and point it to your service in just a few clicks.

What makes the Hover Connect Program great?

Offload the maintenance or support work

Hover will fully manage your customers’ domains. They’ll also be there to answer any questions your customers might have.

Upgrade your customers’ experience

Add a free or discounted domain from Hover to your existing packages and make domain registration beautifully simple for your customers. They’ll be very happy you did.

Keep them away from competitors

Don’t send customers on a Google search and risk having them land on a competitor. Help them get the domain they need by referring them to Hover.

Connect them to a service they’ll love

People really love Hover. Your customers can count on simple tools, an intuitive interface, and A+ customer support, should they ever need assistance.

Hover Connect integrates directly with your service offering.

Here’s how it works

What it looks like for service providers

  1. You provide Hover the DNS settings that a domain name requires to work with your service, such as a CNAME or A record.
  2. Hover will create a co-branded “Your brand + Hover” landing page. Domain names purchased via this link will have the proper DNS settings applied automatically as part of the registration process.
  3. If you want to give your customers a deal on their domain, you’ll connect with Hover’s simple API to automatically generate and track domain vouchers.
  4. You direct your customers to this co-branded landing page to register their domain — that’s it!

What it looks like for your customers

  1. They click on the unique landing page link you’ve provided.
  2. They search for a domain, view available options, and make their final selection.
  3. Once they purchase the domain, they’re directed to a co-branded landing page and click a button to connect their domain to your service.
  4. The customer’s custom domain is now working! Hover automatically reroutes the customer back to your service.

If a customer forgets to use your unique link, no worries. They can choose your service using the Hover Connect tool within their Hover account.

Trusted by brands who care about customer experience

From website builders to e-commerce platforms, service providers leverage Hover Connect to level-up their customer experience without having to manage domains themselves.

Your customers will love Hover

Why? We’ll let Hover customers speak for themselves.

Cory McCabe

Making backend changes and getting any domain setup is just so easy. Even transferring to or from Hover is simple. And I absolutely loving having chat support!

Cory McCabe

Behind The Film


Having been with Hover for a number of years, I can’t fault the company. Great customer service and it’s a space you really feel listened to, not just another customer.


Summer Affirms

Chuck Braverman

Hover just works. If I ever have an issue, I know I can speak to a real person. I trust Hover.

Chuck Braverman

Westdoc Online

A bit about Hover

Hover has been providing domain names, email, and amazing customer service since 2009. People love Hover because they great fair prices and a simple user experience with no annoying up-sells. Plus, when you call in, you connect with a friendly human right away. Hover is Enom’s sister company and part of the Tucows Domains family of brands. Long story short, your customers will be in good hands.

Ready to partner with Hover?

Fill out this quick application, and we’ll be in touch soon!