API Test Account



You need an active Enom.com reseller account in order to create an API Test Account.

Setup Your Enom API Test Account

  1. Login to your Enom account, then go to http://resellertest.enom.com/resellers/reseller-testaccount.aspx
  2. Click: Setup your account on the testing server.
  3. Click: Reset your account balance in the test environment to $5,000.
  4. If you're going to be using the API in the test environment, click: Add/Edit/Delete IP addresses that are allowed to access your account on the test server.
  5. Enter the static IP address that you'll be running test API commands from.
  6. Save changes.

You may now log in at http://resellertest.enom.com or run API commands using your test account against the Test URL.




All activity performed in your test account has no effect on your live account. Similarly, any domains registered or services purchased in your test account WILL NOT be automatically provisioned.

However, any domain that you register or service that you purchase through the test environment will be displayed in your test account. Your test account balance will also be adjusted when you execute purchase commands.